Major Malfunction!

If you come upon a post and wonder why there's a weird black box with an exclamation mark in it, you may want to read this post to find out what has gone wrong. Still trying to figure out how to fix it all, without having to do each post manually. Until then, the black boxes remain. I thank you for your understanding. If you know someone that can help me, PLEASE send them my way!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Day 15: Love Is Honorable

The Dare:

Choose a way to show honor and respect to your spouse that is above your normal routine. It may be holding the door for her. It might be putting his clothes away for him. It may be the way you listen and speak in your communication. Show your mate that he or she is highly esteemed in your eyes.

The Questions:

How did you choose to show honor? What was the result? What are some other ways you could demonstrate honor in the coming days?

My Thoughts:

I have been making it a point to try to keep the house more tidy and picked up. It is not an easy task for me because, although I hate the clutter, I also hate cleaning. Call me lazy. It's just not something I've been cut out to do. So it's been difficult, but because I know that it makes us both happier to live in cleanliness, I've been trying.

I've also been putting Kyle's clothes away. Along with everything else that is a "chore", I also despise folding the clothes. BUT because I know it makes things easier to find for Kyle, I've been doing what I can to make sure his clothes are clean, folded and put away.

He hasn't really said anything, but I'm not really expecting him to.


  1. Nice work - are you enjoying living in a tidier environment?

  2. I am so glad I came across your blog, lovely post.

    Have a great weekend
    Regina In Pictures

  3. Beautiful post!

    Popping over from SiTS,

    Nat :D
